European Spaces of Culture

Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnia and Herzegovina
ALL INCLUSIVE: Performing Arts Project for Diversity and Social Inclusion
The premier of theatre play "Up and Down" at Sarajevo War Theatre (SARTR). Photo: Velija Hasanović

People with disabilities, minorities like Roma and Sinti, and refugees in Bosnia and Herzegovina face discrimination and dehumanisation on a daily basis. Persistent tensions and unaddressed challenges remain and their voices are largely unheard.

Bosnia and Herzegovina’s Social Inclusion Strategy identifies persons with disabilities (8.2% of the population) as the most vulnerable, excluded and marginalised group and Roma (1.6%) as the most neglected national minority. Despite advances in the legislative sense, comprehensive implementation mechanisms and practices are still lacking. The Constitution remains discriminatory towards national minorities and persistent tensions and unaddressed challenges remain.

The increasing presence of refugees is another source of tension, with de-individualising officials’ approaches and precarious relations existing between migrant populations and host communities. There are needs to combat their discrimination and social exclusion and to advocate for their rights and integration.

ALL INCLUSIVE: Performing Arts Project for Diversity and Social Inclusion is an innovative socio-cultural project for diversity and social inclusion in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Using the transformative power of the performing arts, the project fosters harmonious inter-community relations, breaks down social barriers, and contributes to the strengthening of a (trans)national, solidarity-based community.

Amplifying the creative voices of marginalised communities in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Focused on marginalised groups – the Romani minority, people with disabilities, and refugees on the Balkan route – it establishes a platform where their stories and creativity take centre stage. Through artistic productions, community engagement, capacity-building workshops, and storytelling, it empowers individual community members to be multipliers and stronger actors of change and raises awareness of their struggles against discrimination and dehumanisation.

Encouraging understanding, empathy, and connection, ALL INCLUSIVE goes beyond conventional official narratives and integration approaches. Local and international project partners amplify voices often unheard, adopting a bottom-up strategy that emphasises equality and, using a transdisciplinary approach, elevates collaboration to a new level.

In the realm of culture in BiH, where few examples address these critical issues, the project fills a significant gap in cultural initiatives. It not only creates space for artistic expression and empowerment, but also establishes new integration practices for disadvantaged people and new collaborations among cultural and non-governmental organisations in BiH, contributing to their advocacy efforts.

The project aims for a lasting impact on both participants and audiences by cultivating unity and appreciation for diversity, creating a cultural shift towards a more inclusive and understanding society.    

Alignment with the UN Sustainable Development Goals

  • Primarily, it covers SDG 10, empowering refugees, people with disabilities and national minorities as an equal part of society. Performances, exhibition, and multimedia distribution will ensure their social visibility and reduce discrimination.
  • The project also contributes to SDG 4 by executing professional workshops, lectures and discussions for and with disregarded community members.
  • Addressing advocacy for human rights, the culture of diversity and dialogue, ALL INCLUSIVE exemplifies effective social inclusion solutions in the cultural sphere. It significantly contributes to peace, justice and strong institutions targeting SDG16. On the one hand, it prevents possible conflicts and misunderstanding towards refugees and national minorities. With its best practices the project strengthens - on the other hand - human rights organisations and CSOs’ efforts in advocating the rights of vulnerable groups.
  • Moreover, the project encourages effective partnerships and aligns with SDG 17. The diverse partner set-up is built upon the sharing of knowledge, expertise and resources.
  • Last but not least, the project indirectly contributes to SDG 3 by helping the participants to overcome trauma, depression, and contributing to their overall well-being.

  • European Spaces of Culture
  • Diversity
  • Human rights
  • Migration
  • Social inclusion
  • Theatre